Ryan Dixon / DOP

Ryan Dixon was born and raised in St. Louis Missouri. An early love for skateboarding motivated his initial interest in photography and videography, working to capture the grace and grit of skating and skate culture. In 1998 Ryan received his BFA in photography from University of Missouri, Columbia, deepening his understanding of the fundamentals of traditional photography; subject matter, shooting, lighting, and dark-room. In January of 2000 Ryan visited New York on a vacation and never left.

Ryan hustled through the fashion photo world as a photo assistant, quickly gaining a reputation for his skill with all things photo. His passion for wood-working and intuitive understanding of mechanics further add to Ryan’s ability to contribute in multiple ways behind the scenes. Ryan’s love of movement inevitably led him to work in video.

With over twenty years working professionally in the field and over 10 years in video, Ryan continues to be excited about the evolution of the medium, his formal education providing an infrastructure in which he can fully embrace new technologies. Ryan continues to skate and resides with his favorite subjects: his wife, two sons and dog.
